Thursday, December 12, 2024

Christmas 2024

Come, Let Us Adore Him

We so appreciate this time of the year -- a beckoning to mind and heart to adore this promised Savior and see in Him the hope Mary must have felt.  We feel grateful to share that hope with you, our dear friends, as we trust in the promises of Jesus Christ and think back on the pleasant years we've shared together.  

Certainly, our highlight of 2024 was a reunion with 6 of our children, and 4 of their spouses.  Matt had just begun a new job with BYU's Alumni Relations office and we missed him and Jessica, as well as Leah & Emily's husbands.

We traveled to Squam Lake near Holderness, New Hampshire and enjoyed a week at Rockywold-Deephaven camps (founded by Annie's great grandmother in 1897).  We've spent a lot of time there over the years, both playing and working and it was great to be back.  We continue to grow in our love and admiration for each and every family member, and sharing time with them is such a blessing.
Sara, Laura, Seth, Annie, Tom, Luke, Leah, Emily
on Rattlesnake Mtn. overlooking beautiful Squam Lake.

We were grateful to stay busy through the year with visits to and from our kids and their families, biking, exploring Oregon, fishing and crabbing, camping, loving our home and grounds, and trying our best to be aware and meet the needs of others wherever we find them.
Joining with others at a community church each week to help serve a hot meal for those in need.

Camping on beautiful O'Dell Lake in the Oregon Cascades

Our new favorite game ~ "Camping Croquet" in the woods ~ crazy!

The thrill of catching a winter-run steelhead!

Spring glory on the Oregon State University campus

We stayed at a beautiful lake near Klamath Falls, and biked the "High Lakes" trail between mountain lakes -- through the woods and over amazing ancient lava flows.  It was striking.

Under the shadow of Mt. McLoughlin

Stunning Crater Lake

As much as we enjoy being out, there's truly "no place like home." Our home of 36 years in Corvallis has been a haven for us and we continue loving our opportunity to care for and beautify it.  Everything's better with a personal touch and a little handi-work.  Come on over for a visit in 2025!

Farewell, dear friends, for another year.  Thank you for giving so much to others and making the world a better place.  May we all be blessed with feeling the light of Christ in our lives and in loving and sustaining each other.

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas
as we send our love this holiday season,
Annie & Tom

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Christmas 2023

Joy to the World 

    Oh, how we delight in the Christmas season, when so many freely and spontaneously share "good tidings of great joy."  Paul wrote of "the fruit of the Spirit" as being "love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, and faith."  We hope such has been your good fortune this past year.  We have so much to be grateful for and share our witness of the living Christ ~ the light and life of the world.

    We joined Matt & Jessica's family at Thanksgiving and afterward loved the introduction to the Christmas season in their little town of Midway, Utah where they have just moved.  Leah and her family, along with our grandson, Tyler Ditto and his wife, Hailee joined in the Thanksgiving celebration.

     During the year, we had many visits with our family, did some biking, camping, skiing, river floating on our kayak and paddleboard, gardening — and lots of time to count our blessings. 
    Four of our kids moved during the year: Matt & Jessica built a home in Midway, Utah and moved in just days before Thanksgiving. Emily & Ryan family stretched out a bit more in their new home in Yakima. Laura and Jared landed in the beautiful valley of Wenatchee, Washington with a wonderfully family- friendly job and home, and Luke and Camilla returned to sunny southern California, settling in historic Dana Point, near where he teaches middle school and Camilla practices law.
    It's a bonnie day anytime you return to Scotland, as we did in September. We had such fun together visiting places we had yet to experience.  Our hearts seem especially knit to this land and its warm, welcoming, and fun-loving people.  We navigated our way about using trains, ferries, the underground, and took on many courageous miles of left-hand driving with countless roundabouts in our little rental car.  Our safe return felt triumphal!   
Ferrying over to Aran Island with a stiff gale
Aran Island coastline

On the famous "Jacobite" steam train from Ft. William to the little port of Maillaig,
also dubbed the "Harry Potter" train as it is depicted in the movie.  It was filled with international tourists all decked out in Harry Potter costumes and was almost as much fun watching their enthusiasm as it was the beautiful country we traveled through.
My fair lassie at Port of Mallaig

Stepping back to the 1700's to get a glimpse of earlier days in the Highlands 
    Perhaps these same hills nearby brought laughter and fun for wee ones so many years ago as well . . .

Back to 2023 and we crossed path with an amazing pastry called a Cinnamon Cruffin
(cross between a croissant and cinnamon roll) ~ exquisite!

We checked in with "Rudolph" and his associates.  All was well!
No pot of gold, but endless beauty
    Couldn't stop our toes from tapping at a wee jam going on at our backpacker's hotel bar  . . .

London Bridge was not "falling down" but it was lovely to walk across
    In August, the family joined together for our biennial family reunion.  As the grandkids get older, it's harder and harder to gather everyone, but we had a blast with the 27 who could come.   Black Butte Ranch in the mountains of central Oregon allowed for lots of outdoor fun.

One of our reunion outings included "Daylight Cave" ~ so cool

Glowing girl power

Sadly missing Leah as we look out at the Three Sisters Mountains:
Tom, Laura, Seth, Matt, Sara, Emily, Luke, Annie
Among the missing at the reunion were our two dedicated 
missionary grandsons:
Nathan Ditto (rt.) ~ Northern Spain
Isaac Wright ~ Armenia
This year we joyfully had two grandchildren marry
Alysee Ditto married Dallin Johansen ~ both soon to finish at BYU 

Tyler Ditto married Hailee Sanford ~ both students at BYU
 Now for a collage of other events and happy moments . . .
Camping and fishing on O'Dell Lake, central Oregon

Lindsay and Joanie Ross cared for both our mothers in the last days of their lives, and we've had such fun becoming friends, camping, and fishing together.  In fact, we celebrated Tom's 75th birthday at this very campsite. 
Out of control fun camping with the Watts and Andersens

Tom fishing on the Alsea River for Coho salmon
Annie loving some mother/daughter time in San Diego
One of Tom's bucket list wishes - working the "stripping chutes" at a local rodeo
(removing the gear from bucking horses and bulls after their ride)

Blessed with a visit of our grandson, Alex Ditto and his wife, Alexa, we had
our first sustained time with little, Quinn (1st great grandchild).  It was cidering time!
4 generations ~ how sweet!

We loved our ski week with Seth's family at beautiful Anthony Lakes, Oregon
And, tough to beat a sunny day on Mt. Hood

Delivering a neighbor's Christmas gift

Where does the time go as all these kids and grandkids grow up?

Sofia, Matt, Lizzie, & Jessica Sherry ~ Midway, Utah

Nathan (pre-mission), Alex, Quinn, Alexa, Hailee, Tyler, Sara, Birch, Chloe, & Cooper Ditto, Dallin & Alysee Johansen
Yakima, Washington

Sage, Mila, Ryan & Truman, Emily, & Hazel Andersen ~ Yakima, Washington

Kate, Isaac - pre mission, Lucy, Leah, & Geoff Wright ~ Mapleton, Utah

Seth, Caroline, Tommy, Willie, & Cali Sherry ~ Corvallis, Oregon

Laura & Jared, Isla, Sawyer, & Rue Watts ~ Wenatchee, Washington

Luke & Camilla Sherry ~ Dana Point, California

      Perhaps at this season more than ever, we feel assurance in the knowledge that "God doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world, for he loveth the world."  We feel that love and hope your communion with the divine is especially blessed this Christmas.
Merry Christmas, dear friends 💚 Annie & Tom